I had a beautiful golden labrador named shadow for 13 years, so in doggy life he was 91! pretty damn old) Dad got him from Narrandera and he lived with us at clear swamp in Corrobimilla and most of all in Morundah. He really was a shadow, dads shadow infact! he followd dad everywhere, like a true friend.He followed dad to the shed every morning, to the paddock to chase the sheep, to the pub just like a real local, and even to the outside toilet!But to me shadow and i had grown up together,we had alot of fun times together, i do remember one not so fun time together.. and that was at my 18th birthday party that we were having in the shed, i had had a bit to drink at this stage and was unaware that shadow was a bit stirred up, so i thought it would be a great idea to bend down and give him a hug.... yep he took it out on me and bit my ear!!!!i walked out of the shed in shock, then saw the blood and was in hysterics, blood everywhere. so still to this day and for as long as i have my left ear i will be scarred from shadow.Now that i look back it was a fun time, just hurt a bit.shadow has been a great freind to everyone who knew him ,he has had a great life, and maybe a few too many lives, falling off the back of dads ute and dislocating his hip, being hit by cars, sickness, but this time his old organs got the better of him and didnt work so well. Dad and the vet decided shadow had fulfilled a great life and it was time to go to doggy heaven where he will be remembered for the fun times and his loyalty.
here are some photos i have with me here in canada..

and as you have just seen, shadow really is dads shadow and a very loyal freind..xxx
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