Wednesday, August 19, 2009


sorry for the slack blog!but im slowly getting around to it!!here is my first 2 weeks in a nut shell, and pics to follow!!!

so canada is weird and awesome at the same time..first of all they drive on the wrong side of the road, when we got into a taxi at the airport i thought he was getting in the passenger side, that was weird, and coming onto an intersection is scary too!then you have to tip all the time plus tax!why cant everything just be included! if u want to cross the road, the cars just stop for you, even if your not at a crossing, nice but weird, then comes the toilets, they are 3/4 filled with water, gross!!thats all ill say.. the power points dont have on/off switches..where i live there are no ceiling lights, they just have dodgy lamps!also the sun is up at 4am and doesnt go down till 10 am!!

i also forgot to mention the junkies!!melbourne has got nothing on vancouver junkies thats for sure, i was having a coffee downtown vancouver and all of a sudden you see these crazy people pushin trollies full of can and bottles, and gettin in the bins!there is a junkie on every corner and that is not a joke, they vary, some in wheel chairs, mother and child, amputees, adn your average joe junkie, The best one we saw was at 11am as we were leaving on the greyhound bus to whistler wearing a t-shirt saying "i fear no beer"damn right!yelling and screaming, scabs all over his face and pants falling down.yuck!!!!
so apart from all that weirdness canada is beautiful!massive mountains that still have snow on the top in the middle of summer.The lakes are just like glass, so smooth, weird christmas trees everywhere and reindeers on the side of the road!

I was riding on my first day and a squirrel ran out in front of me, that was when i realised i was in canada, then on the chair lifts on the way up we saw a baby bear!soo cute, but luckily i havent encountered a big grizzly!just lots of little brown bears that sit on the tracks as your riding!

well the riding is awesome, thats why im here, so first day in whistler and 500 canadian dollars later i got myself a season lift pass and went riding for the day, was heaps of fun, so many options , jumps, rocks, roots, roll downs, burms and drops and that weird north shore heaps to keep u busy! then head off to the pub at the bottom of the slopestyle course!

so far i have been riding for 2 weeks and have had a few minor injuries.. i didnt realise how slippery wooden bridges around a corner can be, so i did a massive skid and slammed my finger into the rail and a pile of people behind me, oops, it looked cool tho, hahah. Then it was wet on a practise day of cranworx and riding the black diamond tracks (hard!)down slippery roots and rocks and they got me!i slipped off and grazed my right elbow.. 3 days later i was riding down a fire road to get to another track in chunky loose gravel, and u have 3 choices, 1 is to be an awesome rider and skid around the corner before you go over a massive cliff! or just ride slow or crash and almost go over the edge... i did the last option, i thought i was goin to pull of the awesome rider skid around the corner, but then i managed to flip over the top of the bike into the chunky gravel, so now my elbows match, except the left one is far i have invested in elbow pads.. youth ones as im weak!hahaha, i kept riding dont worry, im tough!!!

crank works was awesome watching all the crazy pro riders, especially dual slalom and slopstyle and the canadian open, cos i got a pic with sam hill as u will see!heheh typical girl!
there were lots of crazy parties and fat tonys pizza at 2 am is always a good idea, just like a kebab!!haha.there were waaaaay too many people on the tracks tho so that got a bit annoying, so im glad cranworx is over so the lines are shorter and not so many dickheads on the tracks slamming thier brakes on infront of you going down a rock garden!!!

im living in staff accommodation in a lil suburb 10 mins from the whistler village with some of the melbourne guys i know from racing, so that keeps things interesting!! i was living with 2 girls but they didnt even say boo, so i was outta there!

its my birthday this friday, so were all heading up to a place called sun peaks for the BC dh cup, and then off to kamloops for some more riding! cant wait me and 8 guys (yes nothing has changed)i think another girl will be there to save me tho!
i will get some more sweet pics around there too, so stay tuned and thanks for being patient!! its a bit hard without my own computer!
the pics will be up asasp!!!!!