me getting excited half way down the hill, felt the need to jump! actually behind me is a MASSIVE drop that only one person has been stupid enough to do,bloody huckers!!

riding down freight train, fun fun

think this is part of blue velvet

freight train.. in the woods, no bears luckily!

SNOW RIDING!!!! it was sooo
f@#%ing cold but it had to be done, it was about -7 aparently, and i was not prepared, i was only in my normal riding gear

this is the result of riding in the snow, i was in soo much pain, my fingers were that numb they hurt and could not feel the brakes going down a steep fire road, bit sketchy!

yes it is possible to ride in the gondola, we tried it and managed to crash more in there than on the hill..??

riding buddies tom and nat

drop in clinic.. it is actually super steep but i had a shit photographer!haha

this is back in sun peaks but didnt post them up before.. didnt get many riding pics here unfortunately, too busy riding than taking pics, crazy track tho!!!

yay i managed a podium at the BC /Canada cup, i was holding onto my medal and the chick hated me so much for coming second she tried to choke me!haha kidding , i just wasnt ready when she grabbed my arm and this is the only decent pic i have to prove that i came second! also it was my birthday so pretty fun weekend!
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