well merry christmas! and what a beautiful morning it was, i awoke to a santa socking on my door filled with goodies, everyone was still asleep cos me being the kid that i am got up to see if he really came! so i decided we needed a christmas tree, so i went to the beach and found the local beer bottles all over the place, filled it with sand and picked some pretty flowers and made an awesome tree, put all the pressies under there, and wa-la!
so we all ahd a secret santa and i got yosi and he looves to suck on a cigar, so sure enough that what i got him, a $40 cigar from nat sherman and fancy cigar joint in the city. and marc got me and i got some really nice marc jacobs perfume! we were all very spoiled.
anyways enough of that we were setting off an a huge adventure around the island of st vincent!we hired a local taxi driver, did a deal with him and he took us all in his lil van through all the villages where all the islanders all hung out in the streets playing and drinkin and pumpin the tunes on huge speakers.. weird, they were all so poor but they could have awesome speakers?..
we made our way to a beautiful waterfall and went swimming and climbing for a while as our taxi had broken down and we had to wait for another to come get us, so it was kinda funny, being stuck out in the middle of knowhere without food and water on a super hot day, but we were not fussed at all, the waterfalls were so beautiful, i was content taking pics!
so a new driver came to save the day, we headed off to walliabou bay home of pirates of the carribbean!!!!!!
yes you got it, we spent our christmas lunch on the set where johnnyb depp jumped off that huge rock, blue sky, blue water, crabs, bats, yachts, black sand and beautiful food, it really felt like we were int he movies!
so our first taxi driver came back to steal us off the other man cos he said his car was fixed, so we got back in with him and headed off home.. untill the car started stuggling up the hills, so we all got out and ran up the hills then all got back in and rolled down, soo funny, all the village people thought it was hilarious!
so all in all we had a very adventurous day and its not over!
we got refreshed and made our way to a lovely restaurant on the beach called the french veranda where we sipped on cockedtails and ate seafood. what an awesome way to spent xmas!