jesse convinced me that i was good enough to race in the cairns dh series in 08/09. so the traingin began on smithfeild dh track.. i can assure you its nuts! we did our fair share of push runs in the ridiclous 100% humidity in the rainforest in the peak of the wet season.. iditots! who calls that fun! but he was right i managed to throw myself down that hill one bit at atime untill i got the whole thing linked together.. then it wsa time for me to do my first far north queensland dh race.. it had a reputation for the best tracks in the world and it has totally lived up to it.. well in my small experience in dh. from vic, cairns and canada.. i still think cairns has the best tracks!
race day came and i was literally dragged along by jesse beare.. he was that keen he even paid for my mtba licence!!(thanks superted) and then i was thrown into the back of the ute, which i learned was the shuttle for the race.. with a bunch of ferral guys.. oh wait, there was one other girl.. her name is tracey hannah.. we became freinds cos we r both bogans!the difference is that she was born a bogan and i became one after that day!haha. i came to the top of the track with 65 guys lined up on the side of the track just staring at this girl and who she belonged to and why she was here.. the tjing was i couldnt answer that either.. i was just there!once i got over my initial fear.. i was part of the gang!
i think i officially became part of the gang after a trip to the townsville race..and it was jesse beare again that assured me it was goin to be an adventure.. and that it was!! it all started off with a push start in an old borrowed commodore before we had even left cairns!i was there jammed in the back next to a crazy guy i had neever met with a homemade slingshot and some bundy rum carins.. i knew it was the start of a long weekend!me and 8 guys from cairns.. say no more!
sure we got there, we arrived at our back packers.. once again me and 8 guys in a large room full of bunk beds!no privacy for me!so i guess it was time to become one of the boys.. we went out on the town to mad cow.. very ferral place full of cougars!ha time for bed.. but no when we got back there, our underaged freind bryce was bored so he poured shampoo all over everyones beds!so jesse flipped his bunk and then the angry lady came and kicked us out! i had a whinge and she let us stay on the conditions we never return again!
so the next morning was race time at mt stuart... hmm i was the only girl this time!the track was a bit scary.. just off camber rock gardens etc.. got down a few times ok but then i freaked out. slammed my brakes on and down i went.. sideways down the hill, through the bunting taking rocks with me.. i stopped but my bike kept going.. meanwhile these 2 tville boys were discussing their lines and looked up and told me i ha wrecked their track and told me where i should be going.. and then realised i had actually hurt my arm!they collected me and my things and took me down the hill.. the cairns guys all stood around me not knowing what to do or how to comfort me.. but when it came time to get my armour off i asked if someone could take my top off and i can say there were lots of offers!hahah. but then that poor sucker who offered to take me to the hospital didnt realise he had to sit there for 3 hrs with me!
so went back to the race with a sling on and no pain killers! but jesse fixed me up with a rum can and we went and sat on the boulders heckeling all teh other riders.. i still got a prize just for being stupud and the only girl who came to the race!
we got in the bombadore with a push start.. found a nice patch of dirt where a family was having a quiet picnic.. and did some serious circle work!such inconsiderate assholes we were! but as the trip went on, so did the drama.. we had no headlights!!so we drove back to cairns tailgaiting the ute in front so we could see, and i was in the back of the car in excruciating pain with no help from any drugs.. i also forgot that i had to start my new job as a physio assistant at the cairns base hospital! what an idiot!!!
but all in all good times!
the riding adventures went on and on. i ride so many amazing tracks up there but my favourite is still kuranda!jesse did take me to the hardest track in australia and told me i could do anything.. yeah right.. this track is called waddleblah!so my dh trainer had to carry my bike down the track throught the rocky horror sectio.. and it was horror even whilst i slid down on my ass., i couldnt even walk down it! but i could tick that off my list! well my freind/trainer/mentor has since then earned himself the title of SUPERTED!!
(this was updates on the 26th april 2011, realised how lame and uninformative my first post was!)

THIS PIC WAS TAKEN AT THE SMITHFEILD RACE IN 2008!and i somehow managed not to kill myself.. i did take a few secret lines which was sideways down the rock garden.. but i got there!